10:30 am - 8:00 pm Currently closed

Homebound Delivery Program

The Friends of the Hollis Social Library and the Hollis Social Library are pleased to offer a Homebound Delivery Program. If you or someone you know has a temporary or permanent need for home delivery please contact the library at 603-465-7721. 

Patron Eligibility


To qualify for this free service, the homebound library member must live in Hollis, NH. This service is not currently available to nonresident library members. If the homebound resident does not currently have a library card, the resident will need to visit the library one time in person to apply for a Hollis Social Library card or fill out an online library card application.

If the card has previous fines, depending on circumstances, the library reserves the right to collect fines before home delivery begins.

Homebound Criteria:

To be eligible to receive library items for home delivery, the library member must be the following:

  1. Confined to their home due to prolonged illness, extended convalescence, or advanced age and have no household member available to get to the library for items.
  2. Have a temporary or permanent physical or mental disability that prevents them from coming into the library.

Delivery Information:

Deliveries will be made on a monthly cycle by The Friends of the Hollis Social Library. Deliveries will take place during the work week (Monday-Friday).

Deliveries will be made to the library member’s front door. Volunteers will not enter any homes. Items being returned to the library must be left at the door for the volunteer to pick up. If items need an extension of time, please call the library at 603-465-7721.

Fines and Fees

There will be no late fees or fines on materials checked out through the home delivery program. Damaged or lost library items will incur fees and, depending on circumstances, a discontinuation of service.

Materials Available

All circulating library items may be borrowed by home library members. However, the library reserves the right to prohibit circulation of high interest items on a case by case basis, due to their normally shorter check out length.

Only items owned by the Hollis Social Library are eligible for home delivery. Items circulated to homebound library members will follow the library’s current item type lending limits. We do not have a limit on total items being delivered at this time.

Please call the library at 603-465-7721 for more details.