10:30 am - 8:00 pm Open now


The Hollis Social Library values the time and commitment of citizens who volunteer. Volunteers help, under the direction of the staff, to provide support in implementing the mission of the Library.

As a small library, we cannot typically accommodate requests for weekly volunteering. Our volunteering opportunities are more project/event based. Some examples of how volunteers assist the Library include helping run a Friends of the Library Book Sale, assisting with events, performing inventory, cleaning books, dusting shelves, and special projects as they arise. 

To comply with the NH Department of Labor laws, the Library uses volunteers to supplement and compliment, but not to replace, the efforts of paid Library staff. All volunteers are expected to adhere to the Library’s Rules of Conduct. It is mutually understood that volunteer services will be donated. Volunteers will not be entitled to, nor expect, any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for their voluntary services.

Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age. Teen volunteers (14-18 years of age) will be required to submit:

  • Photocopy of birth certificate or driver’s license to prove youth volunteer is age 14 or older.
  • Request for NH Youth Employment Certificate form, if the youth volunteer is age 14 or 15.
  • State of NH DOL Parental Permission form, if the youth volunteer is age 16 or 17.

Visit the NH Department of Labor website for current information on youth volunteers. Teens looking to get involved in their community can also participate in the Library’s Teen Advisory Board, which meets monthly. See our event calendar for more details.

Prospective volunteers should email Tanya Griffith, Library Director, at director@hollislibrary.org.