Sit Back and Enjoy the Music!
Hollis Social Library cardholders get a 20% discount on New Hampshire Philharmonic tickets. Simply stop by the library with your library card to pick up the discount code.
The discount will be available throughout the New Hampshire Philharmonic’s 2021-2022 season.
2021-2022 NH Philharmonic Shows
- October 2021: From Darkness to Hope
- December 2021: Holiday Pops
- February 2022: Winter Voyages
- April 2022: Drawn to Music: Stories in Music
- May 2022: Spring Pops: Broadway and More
For More Information
Visit the NH Philharmonic’s website, email info@nhphil.org, or call 603-647-6476.
All performances are held at the Seifert Performing Arts Center (Salem High School), 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem, NH 03079.