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Access Consumer Reports for Free


Did you know? The library offers FREE access to Consumer Reports online.

You can search by an item and you can go directly to a specific issue. Whether you’re looking for a specific article or shopping around for a new washing machine, we’ve got you covered!

All you need is your library card. Here’s how it works:

Browse by Issue/Volume

  1. Go to Explora for Adults (found under Research).
  2. To log in, enter your library card number (without any spaces).
  3. In the search box on the page, search JN Consumer Reports. (Make sure the JN is capitalized.)
  4. On the results page, click into any Consumer Reports article.
  5. On the article page, click on Detailed Record on the top left of the page.
  6. On the Detailed Record page, click on the Consumer Reports Logo to view the full text articles by issue and volume number.

Research an Item/Product

  1. Go to Explora for Adults(found under Research).
  2. To log in, enter your library card number (without any spaces).
  3. Beneath the search box at the top of the page click Advanced Search.
  4. On the Advanced Search page search for an Item/Product and JN Consumer Reports. (Make sure the JN is capitalized.)
  5. This search will return articles from Consumer Reports that feature that Item/Product.

Explora contains Consumer Reports full text articles from 1991 to present.